Stonewall Inn, New York

Stonewall Inn is a tavern and gay bar located in Greenwich Village, New York. This is a historical site as it is the birthplace of the gay rights movement + Pride as well as where the Stonewall Riots of 1969 took place. It is a US National Monument as well as a US Historical Landmark. I chose to include Stonewall in my exhibition not only because of its historical importance to queer spaces but also because of it's importance to gay bars. While Stonewall is no the oldest gay bar in New York, it's certainly one of the most important.

After the original location closed in 1969, another location opened in Miami Beach in 1972 with the same management. This location was sadly burned down and the management returned and opened at the original location in 1990. Through all the obstacles it faced, this bar still remains standing today as a symbol of queer resilience. Stonewall is also a place of congregation for the LGBT community in times where solidarity is needed. For example, people gathered to celebrate the ruling of same sex marriage in June 2015 and for a vigil to mourn for the lives lost in the Pulse Night Club massacre in June 2016.

Stonewall Inn is also a symbol for gay bars in this case as gay bars are one of the most important meeting spots and safe spaces for members of the LGBT community.
You can find out more about Stonewall Inn at


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