Hetrick Martin Institute, New York

The Hetrick Martin Institute in New York was founded by Dr. Emery Hetrick and Dr. Damien Martin to serve the LGBT youth between the ages of 13 and 24 and their families. This organization provides a variety of services to the youth. They provide access to scholarships, academic and familial counseling, housing support and pantry, health and wellness, job readiness, and so much more. HMI also founded the Harvey Milk High School for at risk queer youth in downtown Manhattan. This high school is exceptionally unique because it's a safe space for queer youth and it provides them with an educational experience that's like normal for them. The students at HMHS are provided with the tools to succeed and deal with the obstacles that come with being queer youth.

You can find out more about Hetrick Martin Institute at https://hmi.org/


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