The LGBT Community Center in Chelsea

The LGBT Center in Chelsea was founded in 1983 in the aftermath of the Stonewall riots. Its mission is to help foster the LGBT community and provide a variety of resources to them as well as a safe space to exist. The Center serves as a community meeting space and today there are over 400 groups that meet there, such as Act Up and Dignity New York. The Center also has an archive that was founded in 1990 by volunteer, Rich Wandel, to preserve LGBT history.

The LGBT Center is also designed to be a more relaxed space. Since the founding of the Center, there have been more additions such as Think Cafe onsite. They also hold special events and resources for family and youth. On top of those services, the cafe also helps with health and recovery as well as finding jobs. I included this center in my exhibition due to its wide array of services and resources for queer people as well as its existence as another safe space for queer people to meet at.

For more information about the center you can visit this link.


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